1. What is your emotional response when disclosing your ethnicity on official forms?
I cannot identify with “Hispanic” because it is not always all-encompassing of the Latino culture
I don’t think it matters what anyone’s skin color is….including mine
I don’t mind in the least bit
It’s just paper work to me
White people don’t get recognized as much as Indian or Asian people
Will it affect my chances of success?
Mild irritation
Why do they need to know?
I believe that no matter what a person looks like they deserve equal opportunity
Why do I have to disclose my ethnicity?
I feel like a bowl of pudding
Confused, I’m a hybrid
I don’t really care
I don’t like when they put “white” on official forms
Why do they care?
It is just standard procedure
I am just white. I know I won’t qualify for anything
I am proud to be who I am and I’m proud of my heritage
2. When is disclosing your ethnicity beneficial?
Only for medical reasons
When people need to know what you look like
When I get something good in return
I don’t feel it’s ever beneficial
Never, no one cares if you’re white
School, Work (depending)
Only on government forms
When I need something
I’ve never thought about it
When you’re white
When it helps you get a grant
White doesn’t get you anything now, being a different color seems to get you more
It’s not
I feel if you are a certain race and you get benefits from that, it’s discrimination.
When it is inclusive of an effort for good
3. Is ethnicity a valid detail when reporting positive or negative behavior in the news? Why?
People have their own thoughts and opinions
Race does not define a person
Everyone is equal whether it’s positive or negative behavior- why tell us what color they are?
It doesn’t tell anything about behavior
I need to know who to stay away from
A person’s ethnicity doesn’t determine behavior
I don’t like to hear whatever age black man with a picture of the person right there
People assume everyone is just like the guy on the news
It sets up a bias to the story
Your race doesn’t make you choose the decisions you make
Innercity crime is rarely white, but big business crime is always white
It shouldn’t matter
Knowing the ethnicity of people in the news isn’t bad, discriminating against the entire race is
When they say a black person committed a crime, we are scared of all blacks
Only when a description would help catch a criminal at large
It singles out the race
We are all people that make mistakes
Every ethnic group commits crime
Report on the crime not on the race
Stereotypes already exist and are hard habits to break
Thinking a certain way can’t change easily
It causes racial hatred I think
This country needs to be equal like it says- anyone no matter what their skin color can commit a crime or be a hero
4. In your opinion, under what circumstances is it appropriate to judge another person based on the color of their skin?
Never, no circumstance is ok
Skin should not and ultimately does not matter
We are trained to be untrusting of people who are different from us.
Not all black people are good dancers and not all Hispanic people steal
There’s a difference between making observations and passing judgment
When purchasing make-up
The color of your skin shouldn’t matter
We are all human, skin color should not matter
In jail
Never, judgment of body language and facial expressions is more appropriate
It’s not right to judge a person by pretty or ugly, fat or thin or black or white
It’s not
Never- you have to know what’s under the skin
5. Describe the political and genetic advantages of race.
Caucasians seem to be higher up on the corporate ladder
Some races genetically are prone to certain diseases
They don’t make it a big deal when white people run for president
African Americans have more athletic advantages
Asian=smart, Black=hood, White=boring, Mexican=crazy
In today’s America having white skin is always more advantageous
I am white, I get to go to college
Any minority group in politics seems to get more attention
Indian people tan better
People feel a natural emotional attachment to members of their own race
Scholarships are more readily available for minorities
It’s not about race
We have big lips and identifiable hair -but don’t touch
Black guys can jump, white guys can ski
Who says white men can’t jump?
Some races get more money for school
Black people can jump!
We have a black President, obviously we don’t have the problems we once had
You will go further if you are considered “white”
I believe we’re all the same
White male, huge advantage
This country was founded by white men
It is not race that gives advantage, it is culture
Full comment- “African-Americans often seem to have incredible athletic abilities.”
6. Why should we focus more/less on racial equality?
Everyone is created equal, no matter the color of skin
Less, I think we see color and race more than we see the person
We should focus more on racial equality until we are equal
Race doesn’t matter as much as who a person is on the inside
We should help people feel more comfortable and accepted
The more we look at one another as equals, the more people will get along
We need to focus more on equality
At some point whites will be the minority
More, skin color should not matter, what matters is the individual themselves
Less, we are equal
I think we’re already right where we need to be
The more we focus the more we’re separated
Children should be taught human is human
I believe by focusing less on ethnicity, we as people can become more accepting of others
Everyone deserves an equal chance- everyone should feel at home in America
Sometimes anti-racist action goes too far
Everyone should be treated equally
More- who cares what color someone is
We should focus more on racial equality because it’s not right to make others feel inferior
More- inequality is an ongoing battle
Less- everyone is different and unique
We are all humans who have feelings, we should all be treated equally with respect
More- to promote freedom and live in real democracy
Yes-every color is beautiful
It shouldn’t matter what race you are
The effort should be continuous because tyranny will always exist
Full comment-“ People are people, I wish it was as easy to integrate everyone as it is to talk about it.”
7. In relation to your own opinion of racial equality, describe the current state of racial equality in our world.
People still dislike people just because of their skin color
Everyone thinks they are better than other races
It is getting better, but there are still some race issues. Especially against Arabs due to 9/11
Some people are idiots and still judge people by their race or color
A lot of people still single out a race because of the negative things
The younger generation is more accepting
The racial/ ethnic boundaries are being dissolved by technology
I don’t think we are doing a very good job with racial equality
I do think people are beginning to make an effort and things are improving
A black President for the first time in U.S. History must mean we’re doing fine
It is messed up and not where it should be
There are still people who think they’re better
Discrimination still exists. Never is it initiated by me though.
Positive, but we still have a long way to go
I’ve been raised to accept everyone for who they are
We are more aware, yet nowhere near acceptant enough
Racism is still a problem
It’s not ideal, but I think it’s gotten better
Better, but still room for improvement
We are more accepting of others
Mexicans are coming to the U.S. and taking white people’s jobs because they do them for less
The older generation still has problems, my parents would kill me if I dated a black man
If we would just let it be and teach our kids not to think negatively, it would be better
People can be quite cruel
Overall I think we as a world are still incredibly racist
There is still a lot of discrimination
America is the “tossed salad” of the world
Someone who comes here from Mexico isn’t American, they’re still Mexican
We have not yet reached racial equality
Everyone is racist in their own way
Full comment-“ Everyone should work hard for what they want, and they’ll get it; race isn’t the problem laziness is.”
8. If skin color were a choice, would you choose the same skin tone you already have? Why?
I suppose I would, it’s what I’m used to
Yes, I like the way it looks on me and I want to be the same as my family
Yes, but we need to change perception, not appearance
No, I think brown skin is so pretty
No, I want to understand what it’s like to be a minority
Being happy with oneself leads to a happy life
I’m taking what God gave me
Yes, I love my color
I don’t even care what color my skin is
Yes, cause black is beautiful
I was born the way I’m supposed to be I wouldn’t change it
Of course, I was born this way
It’s not a choice, so why even think about it?
Yes, that’s just who I am
I am comfortable with who I am
I would be half and half
Yes, because I’m not a minority
No, because everyone should walk in another’s shoes or skin
Yes, without all the blemishes though
I’d rather be a pretty brown Latino
Yes, I’ve grown up with my skin
I am proud to be who I am
No, I would be black
I’m proud of my heritage
Yes, I’m ¼ Mexican and have a tan skin tone
Full comment- “Yes, I love what being black represents in terms of what we have overcome, the strength it is associated with, and the culture it comes from. I’ve never been to Africa…want to go…but haven’t been yet.
9. Please use the space below to add any other comments that illustrate your opinion about race.
All of my life I have wanted to marry a black guy and have all black kids
Race is no longer an issue in my mind
Who cares about skin color?
How a person acts and treats other people should be looked at more than race
We should learn more about each other
We should never stop trying to achieve a utopian opinion when dealing with race
I have hope for younger generations
I think we are equal, and there is no reason we can’t all act that way
Race is only relevant t to the ignorant
I think people should grow up and not judge people
View others in a positive way, we are all human
Prejudice seems to be engrained in our DNA, but as a thinking species we need to overcome it
Full comment- “I am not racist, though I feel it very unfair we cannot have “White” heritage month.” We would immediately be hated for displaying it."
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