We should focus on racial equality until the day that the word race is no longer a consideration for a job, schooling, dating, marriage, living!
I believe we should focus more on it because intelligence biologically is not relative to ethnicity; example; the average scholar in India exceeds the almighty all wealthy all powerful USA.
I think there should always be a focus on racial equality. If we forget to treat everyone as the same, no matter the race we will inevitably repeat the mistakes of our forefathers.
More, but as MLK Jr. pointed out, racial equality is meaningless without economic equality.
Illegal aliens should be prosecuted as are illegal U.S. citizens. This display is BAD!
Everyone should be equal. Everyone is human despite their race.
Racial equality should be an increasingly and constant issue. One's national origin, color, gender, or heritage must not be allowed to create prejudices or excuse actions in any way. In this day and age, all people can be anything they aspire to.
We should focus on it less. The real way to achieve equality is to acknowledge that it really doesn't matter, and the best way to do that is to stop worrying about it.
Racial equality defined as treating all people the same, not using skin color as a deterrent or a handicap. Celebrate differences, but do not allow that celebration to justify cheating them from earning respect equally.
More- This country is very racially divided and no one talks about it. Except for % of pop in jail vs whites and people graduating from college.
There is only one race! Teach that!
Is ethnicity a valid detail when reporting positive or negative behavior in the news? Why?
No, because like any other appearance or condition, one's color should not- and CANNOT be used as a justification for one's behavior. We've all got cognitive function and are able to make the same choices whether beneficial or detrimental.
In a sense it is, to bring awareness to what races are socially oppressed and praised in modern society. The problem is how this detail is received by the viewer.
No, there is good and bad in every ethnicity.
A detail- yes, but people seem to pay close attention to this detail. How about we treat it like one.
Yes, if ethnicity is a valid political detail as in Africa or Arabia- otherwise I'd say no.
No! It ties behavior to color, to identity, and forces those misconceptions on others!
Not necessarily- Some situations are "generic" in nature, happen to be about anyone.
NO! It just serves to give prejudiced people an excuse to blame a person's ethnicity for their behavior- good or bad.
It's not important, as long as we're consistent. Hair color and shoe size aren't important. Ideally, skin color should hold the same weight.
I find it interesting that newscasters and reporters don't identify a criminal as white, but if they're black, Mexican etc. That's the first word you hear!
Depends on what each individual want to get out of the news. As a white person, I do not feel that a white criminal reflects my action because I am white. I do see other ethnicities taking others of their ethnicity as their own actions. I would say that is because most white people categorize ethnicity this way.
When is disclosing your ethnicity beneficial?
Ethnicity carries culture with it. When we can share and understand our differences and simmilarities it can bring us closer together as a human community.
Maybe when having an interesting conversation about origins or identification purposes.
In Utah- Never! It depends on the situation I'm in. I did disclose my mother's Native-American in 1958 to some other neighborhood children. What a mistake! The neighborhood was a Mormon KKK area. Our windows were repeatedly broken, Our house vandalized, car tires and brake lines were cut. I was repeatedly beaten by school teachers and principals and other children. A large portion of Mormons are KKK. In 1978 they took off their bed sheets and pillow-case spook-gowns. I only feel comfortable around my native kin. So in my case, not to often. Most older white Mormons are racist. So are some Mexican Catholics!
How do you disguise it?
When trying to find cultural reference points with others.
For driver's licenses or ID's.
When talking to friends- just to be open. It's never beneficial in an official setting... that's just perpetuating the issue.
Discussing family history, doing genealogy... Good question. Thank you for this exhibit.
Beneficial to me? Never, I'm "white." I wish I could be a part of my heritage of Scottish and German instead of being "white." Maybe if I lived in another country my ethnicity would help, but I doubt that white people are the only ones considered to be racist. A racist non-white individual isn't considered racist, they are considered "reverse-racist." How racist is that? Unbelievable, only whites can be racist? Talk about a superiority complex!
Personally, I feel it is never truly beneficial to disclose my race to someone or something. Will it honestly change your opinion of me and/ or my work as a person, if I fill in the bubble next to caucasian??
Is it ever really beneficial? Judgments are made or changed as soon as ethnicity is brought up. I would rather be judged by something that I can control.
If skin color were a choice, would you choose the same skin tone you already have? Why?
Yes, because my skin is a beautiful olive color due to being Portuguese. We should all embrace our color and the other colors of this crayola-box-of-life!
I would- because I like the color of my skin already.
No, because black is better. I love black history.
Hmm... that's a good one! Let me get back with you!
I would choose the skin color I am now, because my skin is a result of my worldly ethnicity which, I think, is interesting and biologically sound.
I'm not sure, but I know sometimes I'm ashamed of being white- with the past history.
Yes, because that is what I am. Although I do struggle with that... I'm tired of having the color of "The oppressor"...
I would like to try different colors of skin, hair and eyes to experience what that would be like. Am I myself in each instance???
My parents are poor and I would love to get extra grants and tutoring for being non-white. I guess slave holders that I am not related to screwed up my ability to get the same type of aid. In other words, although my opportunities may be less than a non-white race, I get passed up on aid based on my race. The worst part is that I am considered racist for pointing this out.
I would choose to be African-American. (I am Caucasian) Ever since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to be black. Partly because I never had any black friends growing up and because if I was black, then maybe people would believe that I was actually from Africa. (I was born in South Africa) Love the work!
I wish I were more olive- complected. That way when I tell people I'm Greek & Spanish they wouldn't look at me confused!
Yes. Because everyone is made the way they are for a purpose. We are unique.
I would choose to be a beautiful black giantess and I would care for my skin meticulously. My skin would have a golden sheen. Now, I am very white and don't tan. I'm Irish.
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